M8N GPS - Holybro Store
M8N GPS - Holybro Store
M8N GPS - Holybro Store
M8N GPS - Holybro Store
M8N GPS - Holybro Store
M8N GPS - Holybro Store
M8N GPS - Holybro Store
M8N GPS - Holybro Store
M8N GPS - Holybro Store
M8N GPS - Holybro Store





Product has been discontinued. It has been replaced by the M9N & M10. However, it is possible that we can still manufacture this if requested. Please submit your request via this order form

The M8N GPS has an UBLOX M8N module, IST8310 compass, tricolored LED indicator, and a safety switch. There are 3 different connectors options for different purposes. This module ships with a baud rate of 38400 5Hz

Features and Specifications:

  • Ublox Neo-M8N module
  • Industry leading –167 dBm navigation sensitivity
  • Cold starts: 26s
  • LNA MAX2659ELT+
  • 25 x 25 x 4 mm ceramic patch antenna
  • Rechargeable Farah capacitance
  • Low noise 3.3V regulator
  • Current consumption: less than 150mA @ 5V
  • Fix indicator LEDs
  • Protective case
  • Cable Length: 26cm (42cm cable can be purchase here)
  • Diameter 50mm total size, 32 grams with case.

PX4 Autopilot users: The GPS RGB LED Driver Chip has been updated. Ensure the PX4 firmware is Stable Release v1.12.2 or newer for proper LED driver Support.

Ardupilot User: If unable to preform normal compass calibration "compass dance" for any reason, set parameter COMPASS_ORIENT=6 (Yaw270) for proper compass orientation.


SKU12012  Holybro M8N GPS (JST GHR1.25mm 10pin cable):
This JST GH 10Pin connector can be used on Pixhawk Standard Flight Controller 10pin“GPS Module”or "GPS1" input port.

SKU12013  Holybro M8N GPS for Pix32 (Molex1.25mm 6pin & 4pin &3pin cable):
These Molex1.25mm 6pin & 4pin &3pin connectors are for Pix32 "Switch", "GPS", and "I2C" input ports.

SKU12014  Holybro M8N 2nd GPS(JST GHR1.25mm 6pin cable):
This JST GH 6Pin connector can be used on Pixhawk Standard Flight Controller 6pin“UART & I2C”or "GPS2" input port as secondary GPS. This GPS is also compatible with the Cube Flight Controller GPS2 Port.


Package Includes:

1x M10 GPS Module

1x Fixed Carbon Fiber GPS mount


Dimension and other info can be found in the Holybro Doc


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