Contact us

Sales Contact:

  • Email: 
  • Wechat - Sale Related Only

    Antonia Zhang

  • 微信 - 国内销售查询


  • Whatsapp (Sales Related Only): +8618124731316

    Antonia Zhang

Technical Question & Support

Our product support email is

Questions related to PX4, Ardupilot, Mission Planner, QGroundcontrol? Here's the fastest approach:

Step 1- Looking at the Docs & Github

  1. Holybro's Docs 
  2. PX4 DocsPX4 GitHub
  3. Ardupilot DocsArduPilot GitHub 

Step 2- Discussion forum & community 

  1. PX4 Discussion Forum | PX4 Discord | PX4 Discord Holybro Group
  2. Ardupilot Discussion Forum | Ardupilot Discord

Step 3- If nothing helps

We're a hardware manufacturing company, and we have limited software support. Software supports are generally provided by the open source developers and community. However, we're more than happy to answer any product related questions. 


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